About Us
Adi Srijan Foundation is an educational institution that teaches students to understand the philosophy of the ancient, classic and traditional science of Yoga. More importantly, Adi Srijan trains you on how to decode Yoga as per current lifestyle. Individuals trained at Adi Srijan Foundation understand the simple ways of bringing in calm, balance and harmony within mind and body.
Our 4 pillars of wellness
Most illnesses are a result of poor diet & lifestyle, toxic relationships, or deep-rooted emotional trauma that can be fixed through the medium of yoga and integrative nutrition. We have 4 pillars of wellness that we use as an outline to work with you.
Optimum nutrition
Physical movement
Stress and emotional health management
Sleep for rest & recovery
"Main hi Adi, Main hi Achyuta. " "Main hi Nash, Main hi Srijan."
(I am Shiva; I am Vishnu I am the destroyer; I am the creator)
Why train at Adi Srijan?
We are an all-women organization that has been training individuals in various forms of Yoga for over a decade. Our trainees have successfully worked with individuals suffering from health issues like infertility, diabetes, varicose veins, hormonal imbalances, chronic constipation, and cardiovascular diseases. We also teach you to work with mental health issues like hypertension, stress, insomnia, and anxiety etc. through the medium of yoga as philosophy and lifestyle.
We have qualified teachers based in Mumbai and Jodhpur who have been industry experts for over 10 years and continue to explore and learn different approaches towards overall health.
What Clients Have to Say
अज्ञानान्धस्य लोकस्य, ज्ञानान्जलशलाकया। चक्षुरुन्मिलितं येन तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः || ر
मैने मेरा 200 hrs TTP course पूर्ण किया है आदि सृजन के साथ जो IYO के साथ पंजीकृत है। इस course को पूरा करने में सबसे बड़ा योगदान हमारे दोनो गुरुमा Dr. ललिता संचेती और Dr. वर्तिका मेहता है, जिन्होने हमे बहुत अच्छे से एवं सरल तरीके से योग का प्रशिक्षण दिया। दोनों गुरुमा ने हमे बहुत अच्छे से योग का उद्देश्य क्या से, योग क्या है, Pratical, Theory सभी बहुत अच्छे से सिखाया पूरा ज्ञान एकदम गहराई से सिखाया। अगर मैं कहीं और से यह Course करता तो मुझे नहीं लगता कि मैं इतना अच्छा एवं सही रूप से योग सीख पाता। अंत में मैं अपने दोनों गुरुमा का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद देता हूँ जिन्होंने मुझे यह इतने अच्छे से योग सिखाया और मैं प्रयास करूँगा कि मैं योग को पूरे विश्व भर में फैलाऊ सभी को स्वस्थ रखूं एवं अपने सभी गुरुमा एवं गुरुजनो का नाम रौशन करूँ
Naman Bhandari
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः।
गुरुर्साक्षात परब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः।
I have dome 200 hrs yoga TTP Course from Adi Srijan foundation and I am thankful to My Gruma Dr. Lalita Sancheti and Mrs. Vartika Mehta. I learned what is yoga and how yoga can change our lives and both Gurumas taught me the history of yoga and who is the founder of yoga. Specially, the way of teaching and their knowledge was unbelievable and awesome
सब धरती काजग करूँ, लीखनी सब वनराज ।
सात समुद्र प्याहि करूँ गुरु गुण लिखा न जाए |
Special thanks to Gurukulam and my gurus who allowed me to learn yoga. My motto is to spread yoga and make people healthy
Thank You
Naman Bhandari
मेरी लाइफ का पहला course जो IYT 200HRS था, जो मेने "आदि सृजन" से किया था, इस course से पहले योगा का मतलब केवल आसन वगैरह समझता था। जब मुझे Dr. Laltita. S और Vartika.M ने मुझे करया तब मुझे समझ आया योग कितना विस्तारित है। और मुझे गुरुमा का पढ़ाने का तरीका बहुत अच्छा लगा क्योकि उनकी हर बात उनके आचरण में भी थी ।
सब धरती काजग करूँ, लीखनी सब वनराज ।
सात समुद्र प्याहि करूँ गुरु गुण लिखा न जाए
पर में चाहता हूँ कि में भी आपकी तरह लोगों को योग प्रति प्रेरित करूँ।
Naman Bhandari
जय जिनेन्द्र गुरुमा! आज दिनांक। 27/09/2024 है। आज हमे हमारा 200 hrs का TTP (Teacher training Program) का program) certificate मिलने वाला है। इस दिन को खुशी के साथ मनाए या दुःख से समझ नही आ रहा हमें खुशी तो इस बात की है, कि हमारा यह course पुर्ण हो चुका है और दुख तो इस बात का है कि हम हमारी ललिता गुरुमा और वर्तिका गुरुमा को Bye कहने वाले है। आपने हमें इन 200 घंटों में जो ज्ञान दिया है, शायद ही हमें कहीं मिल पाता। हम बहुत ही किसमत वाले है जो हमें आप जैसे शिक्षक मिलें। आपके दिए हुए ज्ञान और शिक्षाओं को कभी नहीं भूल पाएगें। आपे साथ बिताया हुआ वो हर पल, आपकी वो Theory की class , practical class के मजे, वर्तिका गुरुमा का Motivation ललिता गुरुमा का हमें Course से ज्यादा पढ़ाना, आपके शुभ विचार, हमारे प्रति वात्सल्य भाव और हमारा class में इतना बकवास करना। ये सब भुलना हमारे लिए संभव नहीं। हम आशा रखते हैं कि जिस प्रकार हमारा यह 200hrs का course हुआ उसी तरह हमारा 500 Hrs का भी course हो। आप हमे इस योग के ज्ञान में और भी आगे बडाए इन्हें शुभ भावो के साथ में अपने शब्दो को विराम देना चाहता हूँ पर आप हमे कभी मत भूलना और हाँ, जब भी हमारी आवश्यकता लगे हमे याद करना और please come soon....
॥ धन्यवाद ।॥
Naman Bhandari
I recently beacame a yoga instructor for 200hrs Yoga course. I am deeply grateful to my gurus and the foundation for introducing me to the world of yoga and guiding me throughout this journey. Every class at Adisrijan was filled with valuable insights, and I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the depth of yoga. A special thanks to my esteemed teachers, Dr. Lalita Sancheti and Dr. Vartika Mehta, whose wisdom and guidance were instrumental. While we also teach yoga in my gurukul, it was at Adisrijan that I truly learned the fundamentals of how to teach it. Thank you
Naman Bhandari
जय जिनेन्द्र गुरुमा! आज दिनांक। 27/09/2024 है। आज हमे हमारा 200 hrs का TTP (Teacher training Program) का program) certificate मिलने वाला है। इस दिन को खुशी के साथ मनाए या दुःख से समझ नही आ रहा हमें खुशी तो इस बात की है, कि हमारा यह course पुर्ण हो चुका है और दुख तो इस बात का है कि हम हमारी ललिता गुरुमा और वर्तिका गुरुमा को Bye कहने वाले है। आपने हमें इन 200 घंटों में जो ज्ञान दिया है, शायद ही हमें कहीं मिल पाता। हम बहुत ही किसमत वाले है जो हमें आप जैसे शिक्षक मिलें। आपके दिए हुए ज्ञान और शिक्षाओं को कभी नहीं भूल पाएगें। आपे साथ बिताया हुआ वो हर पल, आपकी वो Theory की class , practical class के मजे, वर्तिका गुरुमा का Motivation ललिता गुरुमा का हमें Course से ज्यादा पढ़ाना, आपके शुभ विचार, हमारे प्रति वात्सल्य भाव और हमारा class में इतना बकवास करना। ये सब भुलना हमारे लिए संभव नहीं। हम आशा रखते हैं कि जिस प्रकार हमारा यह 200hrs का course हुआ उसी तरह हमारा 500 Hrs का भी course हो। आप हमे इस योग के ज्ञान में और भी आगे बडाए इन्हें शुभ भावो के साथ में अपने शब्दो को विराम देना चाहता हूँ पर आप हमे कभी मत भूलना और हाँ, जब भी हमारी आवश्यकता लगे हमे याद करना और please come soon....
॥ धन्यवाद ।॥
Naman Bhandari
It was such a wonderful journey of Garbh Sanskar with Vartika Mehta. She had helped built me positivity courage to become strongest for giving normal delivery, she kept encouraging for even healthy nutritional diet, regular checking on stretching and best yoga which I would remember ever. I could feel the baby through the meditation and vibrating music played by Vartika. Thanking you for your efforts.
Akshita Mehta
I highly recommend Vartika Mehta for anyone looking to enhance their strength, stamina, flexibility, and balance. Her expert guidance and personalized approach have transformed my practice. Her understanding of yoga principles, combined with her encouragement and support, have helped me achieve goals. Prior to starting yoga sessions with her, I struggled with PCOD. Through tailored yoga routines, she has not only helped me manage my PCOD symptoms but also enhanced my strength, stamina, balance, and flexibility. With her help, I've not only improved my physical abilities but also found a sense of peace and balance in my life. Thank you, Vartika, for your dedication and inspiration!
People say "Never lose faith in God, keep a positive mind, have confidence in the Lord, whatever the situation, do not be discouraged."
When you keep falling down this is something hard to do. I am Keshini from Mauritius. I have been waiting to have a child since more than 6 years but have had miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy. However I have never let go of this dream of having a child both spiritually and medically. Though being kilometers and kilometers away, Mrs Lalita Sancheti, Director and Co Founder of Adi Srijan Foundation, who was refered to me through a friend, helped me in realising this dream of mine by initiating me to the Garbh Sanskar. After doing the Sanskar, I was a complete different person, the faith and the determination I had to fulfill my dream was a surprise even to me. The journey was not easy but I did it and today I have no words to express my gratitude to Lalita ji. After years of failed pregnancies, God blessed me with a beautiful son. I pray that the powerful vibes of Maa Gayatri never leave us henceforth. Thank you again and again Lalitaji, my husband and myself will always have you in our hearts.
When you keep falling down this is something hard to do. I am Keshini from Mauritius. I have been waiting to have a child since more than 6 years but have had miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy. However I have never let go of this dream of having a child both spiritually and medically. Though being kilometers and kilometers away, Mrs Lalita Sancheti, Director and Co Founder of Adi Srijan Foundation, who was refered to me through a friend, helped me in realising this dream of mine by initiating me to the Garbh Sanskar. After doing the Sanskar, I was a complete different person, the faith and the determination I had to fulfill my dream was a surprise even to me. The journey was not easy but I did it and today I have no words to express my gratitude to Lalita ji. After years of failed pregnancies, God blessed me with a beautiful son. I pray that the powerful vibes of Maa Gayatri never leave us henceforth. Thank you again and again Lalitaji, my husband and myself will always have you in our hearts.
I started my motherhood journey with Lalita ma’am and Vartika ma’am , when I meet her for the first time , I was full of anxiety and depressed , had no hope that I could be mother ever, but then with the guidance of Vartika di and Lalita ma’am I conceived with in 2 months and delivered a baby boy and now I’m and happy mother 😇🙏!! They introduce me with “Gayatri Anushthana” , Mantra jappa , healthy diets , yoga aasna and positive mindset !!
Vartika di helped me with life coaching , helped me to clear my mindset , recognise me to my personality !!
I am so grateful and thankful to her , bcoz life become easy now 😇
Priya Mehta
Vartika's space pulls you out of the madness of the day, she helps you reconnect with yourself. I have loved the sound meditation she conducted, it totally helps me find the peace and calm within to carry on with my day to day things.
Shruti Jhaveri
Recently, I had enrolled in the 6 day menopause workshop organised by Adi Srijan Foundation .
Vartika along with her team helped us extensively by keeping all the health issues in mind. They gave us all the insights and guidance to optimise our health in best and fullest potential. I am currently following Vartika's advice on nutrition and lifestyle, and it brought out very positive health gains in my day to day routine and activities. Thank you Vartika for your timely guidance for small minor but effective changes and corrections to inculcate in my lifestyle leading to numerous positive outcomes for my health and well being .
Thank you.
Prieyaa Jain
Respected Lalita Aunty,
As I always start saying it to you 'प्रणाम Aunty" Where to start from, in my this crucial journey of 9 months, I think you have been my biggest backbone, support system, teacher, preacher, my confidante, my every nights' soother.
आपसे इतना कुछ सीखा है मैनें और मेरे साथ अंदर वाले ने भी । शब्द कम लगते है भावनाओं को लिखने में। आप एक Magician हो, with a special magical wand which is invisible. आपकी हर बोली बात मन, विचार, हृदय आत्मा और कण कण में समाई है मेरे॥
I'm grateful to you for every जपा you taught, every positive thought you brought, every song that you sang. every mood that you altered, every talk you exersice you visioned, every enlightened. Thank You for making my journey worthful & memorable.
कोटि-कोटि धन्यवाद ॥
As I always start saying it to you 'प्रणाम Aunty" Where to start from, in my this crucial journey of 9 months, I think you have been my biggest backbone, support system, teacher, preacher, my confidante, my every nights' soother.
आपसे इतना कुछ सीखा है मैनें और मेरे साथ अंदर वाले ने भी । शब्द कम लगते है भावनाओं को लिखने में। आप एक Magician हो, with a special magical wand which is invisible. आपकी हर बोली बात मन, विचार, हृदय आत्मा और कण कण में समाई है मेरे॥
I'm grateful to you for every जपा you taught, every positive thought you brought, every song that you sang. every mood that you altered, every talk you exersice you visioned, every enlightened. Thank You for making my journey worthful & memorable.
कोटि-कोटि धन्यवाद ॥
Dear Lalita Mam,
Thank you for being such an amazing teacher & for all your great lessons. I feel so fortunate to be part of your class. Thank you for making yoga an every day part of my life. Your efforts have made these 9 months of pregnancy so easy & best time of my life. You have taught us to connect with baby in womb. You have inspired me daily. You are the spark, inspiration and guide to my life. Thank you so much Mam for everything.
Thank you for being such an amazing teacher & for all your great lessons. I feel so fortunate to be part of your class. Thank you for making yoga an every day part of my life. Your efforts have made these 9 months of pregnancy so easy & best time of my life. You have taught us to connect with baby in womb. You have inspired me daily. You are the spark, inspiration and guide to my life. Thank you so much Mam for everything.
Chanda Nahar